Tuesday, January 29, 2013


My biggest accomplishment thus far: I was walking to class this morning when a car with a true Italian man pulled over and asked me in Italian if I knew where Via Pesciera was. Luckily, it was the street we were on, and I was able to help! But just think, I looked like an actual person who knew what they were doing. Fantastico! Today was also the first day of class and it went fine considering I haven't been to a class in a month and a half. So let's see, Sunday I met my e-pen pal Linda and oh my god. I love her. She is incredibly nice and we just clicked. We walked all throughout the city and talked. She bought me a cappuccino and said I spoke well. It was my host sister's birthday Sunday night and she had friends over for a festa and dinner. At first, I was such a novelty and they were scared to talk to me and kept whispering, until someone finally asked me a question and then they realized I was actually a person that could communicate with them. My brother Tommaso and I get along great. He always comes to my room and talks to me (in English when his parents aren't home) but I always respond in Italian. He was helping me with my blinds the other day because they aren't working properly and we opened the window and there was the most MASSIVE grasshopper I have ever seen and Tommaso was terrified. It was hilarious. All my friends want to meet him because of all the funny things he teaches me, especially gestures and swears. Yesterday after our placement test, we visited some churches in Padova and wandered the city. St. Anthony is the patron saint of the city and we went to the Basilica di San Antonio. In addition to his tomb, they have his tongue and larynx preserved and on display. So bizarre. While we were there, a choir came in and starting singing to his tomb. It literally stopped us in our tracks and was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I spent the rest of the afternoon hardcore bonding with friends. Still having trouble sleeping through the night....this jet lag thing is getting old. I'm definitely loving Italian culture. We pop into un bar for un caffe at least once if not twice a day. The Italians drink their coffee in a few minutes standing at the bar. Che fantastico. It snowed yesterday so we are definitely excited for the weather to get warmer. That is all I can think of, my brain is all over the place!

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